Introduction to IBM Mainframes

IBM has released two Redbook series entitled the "ABCs of Systems Programming". One is a five volume set for OS/390 Systems Programming and the other is a 13 volume set. The stated goal of the volumes are: "to introduce the structure of OS/390, z/OS, and S/390 operating environment. The set will help you install, tailor, and configure an OS/390 operating system, and is intended for system programmers who are new to an OS/390 or z/OS environment."

These volumes, and more, can be found at or read the individual books at:

IBM z/OS Basic Skills Education (Free) This is a free online education from IBM that looks very worthwhile for both the new to z/OS systems programmer and the old timer looking to refresh their skills (or learn something new)

Check out numerous free classes from IBM and then challenge yourself with the Quiz.

z/OS Introduction - an IBM Redbooks Video

This series of short educational videos teaches you about the IBM Z environment. The IBM Z mainframe is essential technology of large enterprises handling critical data and services every second of every day. While the IBM mainframe initially transformed business during past decades, IBM Z mainframe technology advancements provide limitless potential to enable future business transformation.

ABCs of z/OS Systems Programming

Volume 1 Intro to z/OS and Storage concepts, TSO/E, ISPF, JCL Volume 2 z/OS Implementation and Maintenance Volume 3 Intro to DFSMS and Storage Management Volume 4 Communication Server, TCP/IP, and VTAM Volume 5 Base and Parallel Sysplex, Logger, GRS, Operations, ARM Volume 6 RACF, PKI, LDAP, Crypto, Kerberos and Firewall Volume 7 InfoPrint Server, LE, and SMP/E Volume 8 z/OS Problem Diagnosis Volume 9 z/OS, UNIX System Services Volume 10 Intro to Z, LPAR, and HCD Volume 11 Capacity planning, performance management, RMF, and SMF Volume 12 WLM Volume 13 JES3

For zNextGen and others who want an Introduction

Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics and Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/VM Basics

ABCs of OS/390 Systems Programming (historical)

Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5 Something old that I ran across that is no longer available online:

IBM has made available the IBM Systems Journals electronically - check them out.

Last updated